What is Porchfest?
Porchfest is a musical event that brings neighbors together to celebrate and create a sense of community through performances on front porches and lawns of homes. Bands, singers, and instrumentalists share their music and bring a variety of music genres to our community. Local residents volunteer their porches and/or lawns as a way to support the local music scene and interact with their neighbors.

When is Wakefield Porchfest?
Saturday, September 7th, 2024 from 12:00pm to 6:00pm. The rain date is Sunday, September 8th.

What time will Porchfest take place?
Porchfest is scheduled from 12:00pm to 6:00pm. Performers are assigned time slots within this window. The last performace would end at 6:00pm.

Will drinking alcohol be allowed at Porchfest?
Consumption of alcohol on public property is against state law. Since much of Porchfest will take place on the host's property, each host can specify their own rules regarding alcohol consumption on their property. Please be advise sidewalks and parks are considered public property.

Do I need a ticket for Wakefield Porchfest?
No. Wakefield Porchfest is FREE to all supporters of local live music.

Is Porchfest walkable?
Yes, you can walk, ride bikes or scooters, and push strollers as you move from porch to porch. Please use sidewalks when moving from house to house and enjoy music on lawns and walkways at each location. Please do not stand in the street at participating Porchfest locations.

What should I bring with me?
Bring your own folding chair, water, and an umbrella just in case we get sprinkles or to block the sun. Wear comfortable shoes. Please remember open containers of alcohol are prohibited in public.

Are dogs allowed?
While you can bring your WELL-BEHAVED dog, we don't recommend it. YOU are responsible for your dog's actions. Some dogs get nervous around crowds and loud music. If you decide to bring your dog, please remember to pick up after them.

Will there be bathrooms?
Porchfest host homes are not obligated to provide facilities to participants. Please plan accordingly and patronize local eating and drinking establishments before, during, and after Porchfest.

Is there a map or schedule so I can know where and when the Performers will be performing?
Yes! Here is the 2024 Schedule and Map.

What type of music is played at Porchfest?
Music is diverse based on the participants. The music may range from country to pop, classical, reggae, blues, rock, jazz, Latino, R&B, folk and many other genres.

How do I know who is playing at Porchfest?
Artists' names and details are posted online. Please check out our Performer Gallery.

Do the artists get paid?
No. All Porchfest musicians, administrators, and event day assistants are volunteers. Admission is FREE and open to the entire community. Performers are welcome to sell their merchandise or accept tips at the event if their host allows.

Are you closing the streets during this event?
We will not be closing any streets, so please do not stand in the streets and impede the flow of traffic. If YOU decide to get permits for a block party on the day of Porchfest, that would be wonderful; please let us know if you do!

Is there a rain date?
Yes, but let's hope we don't need it. Should there be a safety concern, we will move the fun to Sunday, September 8th. Any change in date or time will be announced on the Home page.

Who plans Porchfest?
Porchfest is coordinated by a group of Wakefield volunteers who collaborate with musicians and residents/homeowners to bring this event to life.

What are the responsibilities of Porchfest hosts on the day of the event?
Wakefield Porchfest hosts are the gratious volunteers who will make the event possible. They will coordinate with performers ahead of time and provide the space to perform during their time slots. Hosts will also oversee that attendees can watch and listen saftely, as well as specify the rules which others should follow while using their space.

Can I sign up my band or solo performance for Wakefield Porchfest?
Registration closed on Sunday, August 4th 11:59pm, for 2024 Porchfest. If you have already registered, you can update your registration information. Please see the registration page for more details.

Can a performer arrange to be with a specific host?
Yes! If a host and a performer mutually agree on placement, they should be matched. Please make sure to register both the Host and the Performer, and indicate the prearrangement in the Notes section of the registration. (That will be less work for the Porchfest committee!)

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